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吴焕文 单位:北京协和医院病理科 副主任医师
时间 单位 职位
2009-2012年 北京协和医院病理科 住院医师
2012-至今 北京协和医院病理科 主治医师
时间 学校 专业 学位
2004 华中科技大学同济医学院 临床医学 本科
2006年 武汉大学医学院 病理学 硕士
2009 北京协和医学院 医学 博士
序号 文献名称(点击文献题目即可查看内容) 发表刊物 发表日期
1 Combination of Klinefelter Syndrome and Acromegaly: A Rare Case Report Medicine 2016
2 Cholesteatoma in the Sellar Region Presenting as Hypopituitarism and Diabetes Insipidus Medicine 2016
3 Schwannoma in Sellar Region Mimics Invasive Pituitary Macroadenoma: Literature Review With One Case Report Medicine 2016
4 Screening for major driver oncogene alterations in adenosquamous lung carcinoma using PCR coupled with next-generation and Sanger sequencing methods Sci Rep 2016
5 Expression of the potential cancer stem cell markers CD133 and CD44 in medullary thyroid carcinoma: A ten-year follow-up and prognostic analysis J Surg Oncol 2016
6 CT Imaging Biomarkers Predict Clinical Outcomes After Pancreatic Cancer Surgery Medicine 2016
7 Validation of targeted next-generation sequencing for RAS mutation detection in FFPE colorectal cancer tissues: comparison with Sanger sequencing and ARMS-Scorpion real-time PCR BMJ Open 2016
8 Mutant-specific BRAF and CD117 immunocytochemistry potentially facilitate risk stratification for papillary thyroid carcinoma in fine-needle aspiration biopsy specimens Tumour Biol 2016
9 Cushing Disease After Treatment of Nonfunctional Pituitary Adenoma: A Case Report and Literature Review Medicine 2015